Frequently asked Questions

Brief instructions on how to proceed in the event of death are listed under "How to proceed with death". If you have not found the answer to your situation, please call us on +421 910 486 840, which is also available outside the opening hours and we will advise you and arrange everything for you.

Brief instructions on how to proceed in the event of death are listed under "How to proceed with death". If you have not found the answer to your situation, please call us on +421 910 486 840, which is also available outside the opening hours and we will advise you and arrange everything for you.

K vybaveniu pohrebu do našej kancelárie si so sebou prineste:

- Doklad totožnosti zosnulého (Občiansky preukaz / Pas)

- Váš doklad totožnosti

- Oblečenie pre zosnulého

- V prípade pochovania do existujúceho hrobu "Užívacie právo od hrobového miesta"

Ak by ste čokoľvek zabudli alebo nenašli, u nás v kancelárii alebo po telefonickej dohode všetko pripravíme, dohodneme postup a jednotlivé chýbajúce veci doručíte dodatočne.